Plants - Annuals

Zonal Geraniums

If you are new to the world of geraniums, Zonals are a great place to start! Available in a variety of colors from vibrant purples and reds to softer pinks, whites and even orange! These plants do best in full to part sun and hold up well in heat. Water when the soil feels dry to the touch and fertilize once a month. You can trim back the blooms once the flowers have finished to keep the plant looking nice, but new blooms will quickly replace the old ones as well, helping to minimize deadheading.

Ivy Geraniums

Ivy Geraniums come in an array of colors from the beautiful bicolor pictured left to solid shades. Ivys do best in hanging baskets or window boxes where they have ample room to trail. They perform best in full sun with fertilizer added biweekly. Deadheading isn't necessary, but we've found that the plant looks better trimming the dead blooms back.


Available in a wide variety of colors, Calibrachoas are a perfect plant for gardeners who like the look of petunias, but don't want the constant maintenance. No deadheading is needed for these plants. The only situation to avoid is overwatering. When planted in containers, baskets, or raised beds (ideal conditions because there is better drainage), water only when the soil feels dry. Fertilize once a month, and sit back and enjoy your blooms all season long!


We carry a wide selection of Petunias, from the more familiar trumpet-shaped single Petunia to two-toned picotee Petunias, to the striking double Petunia pictured left. Petunias really are a show stopper in the garden, but are a real labor of love. Petunias do best when sheltered from direct rain (a problem for us in the Pacific Northwest even during summer months). Water regularly, sometimes twice a day during hot days and fertilize weekly, especially at the end of the summer. Deadhead blooms to keep the plant looking its best.


If you are looking for a true blue flower (not a shade of purple like most "blue" varieties) this is the plant for you. Compact, growing 8-10 inches tall, this plant is self cleaning and needs no deadheading. More heat tolerant than older varieties of lobelia, this plant is great in full sun to part shade. Great for hanging baskets, window boxes and landscapes.


Heliotrope is known for its vanilla scented blooms. Growing to a height of 12-14 inches, this plant does better in part sun to sun. Pinching plants will help encourage blooming,and deadheading will create new blooms faster.


With a vibrant array or oranges, yellows and pinks, Nemesia Kumquat is eye catching in hanging baskets and window boxes. Self cleaning and no deadheading is needed with these plants. If the plant begins to be lanky or if the plant stops flowering (usually when night temperatures are higher than 70 degrees), a quick trim will increase flowers and encourage branching.


Do you have a garden space that get lots of afternoon heat? This is the plant for you! Coming in a wide variety of colors, Verbenas are great in hanging baskets and landscapes. Naturally self branching, these plants don't need to be pruned, but can be to encourage more branching and flowers. These plants can tolerate dry soil and areas with low fertility. Self cleaning and no deadheading needed.


As we learned firsthand from last year, this is not your grandmother's Alyssum! Because this plant does not spend energy producing seeds, it has an extended blooming season, lasting throughout the summer. Lobularia is a vigorous grower. It can easily take over less aggressive plants. In hanging baskets, it is best paired with Supertunia varieties. Lobularia likes soil slightly damp and can require multiple waterings on warm days.


We carry a variety of Osteospermums (African Daisies) at our nursery and they come in a wide range of colors. Deadheading is not necessary with these plants. Once the flowers die back, new ones will shoot up and cover the old blooms. Plant in part sun to sun and in areas with good drainage. These plants do not like to be wet, so wait until the top of the soil is dry before watering.